Thursday, October 28, 2004

Your Heart is Where Your Body Goes

The last week has been a very trying and stressful time. It's a good kind of stress. Everything important in my life has come under some kind of examination. Progress has been made by hard work and a lot of sleepless nights. Everything from my religious views to my own mortality as been ran through my mind. I've been gathering from my friends that for some reason a lot of other people were in a similar situation. I've come to one recommondation. For the next little while do something completely unrelated.

Remember why you work so hard at becoming a better person. Enjoy what humanity and this world has to offer. If you have an art musem close by, go to it. Wander around and just smile as you see how wonderful we are at creating beauty. Go to a library, take in the smell of books. Be puzzled that there are so many stories that exist. Enjoy the changing of the seasons. Walk somewhere new or old. Take it in with bright eyes. Remember the smell, the colors, the earth under your feet. Notice the little things on your walk; how unique the insects are, if they still are around. Listen to some good music. Don't listen to it to distract you from something else, listen to it. Don't let it be a part of another activity, make it the sole activity. Enjoy the sounds, and if there are words enjoy the poet. Look up into the sky on occasion. Remember God is an artist. Enjoy his work. I love it at night. Let all your senses be alert so that your heart can know where you are.

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