Thursday, November 04, 2004

Artifical Flavor Isn't Bad

Due to circumstances I have no control over, well actually I have complete control over them but that's besides the point; I will no longer be able to post regularly on this blog after the the 17th of November. Not that the number of post were prolific in the first place.

Since I am an arogant jerk, I've come to rather like this creation of mine and consider it of some value. So I will keep alive as much as I can. In order to continue the blog production at a health rate I've decided to assemble a team to post in my pseudo absence. I've already asked two people that I know, though I don't know if they knew I asked them. If you would like to be on the team please email me and mention the things you would like to talk about. Now granted you can just create your own blog, but what's the fun in that? Seriously.