Friday, November 23, 2007

Not Home Yet

I haven’t known what home really is in the past year and a half or so. I haven’t been able to place roots down. I think I’ve moved too much, spent too much time from my old home, and changed too much to call my old place home. People always say home is where the heart is. My heart is generally where all my loved ones are. But as this last year went by more and more of my loved ones have dispersed. My heart isn’t really anywhere, not that I’m a drifter. My heart has roots but just not in a place. I think I’ve taken one more step in finding my new home.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Green Time

You know I’ve seen my fair share of crappy movies. I’m talking I wonder how some of these ideas get the OK. I’ve concluded that movie execs will pretty much give any movie idea a chance. That is unless you got a really good idea that is based on good plot and will require convincing acting. So I thought to myself what kind of movies would I like to make? I’ve already discussed this with a few of my friends and I have two that come to mind.

The first movie is called “8 string cowboy”. An old buddy of mine told me about the idea of a cowboy that went around with a guitar and got into adventures. I thought that would be really cool if this cowboy knew kung fu. Obviously it would have to be a western. What is the source of conflict; zombies. You got it, a guitar playing kung fu master cowboy in a zombie survival western. I’m thinking of making a twist to it by having it set in the future where it is a post apocalyptic nuclear western. Honestly how many of you wouldn’t want to see this movie?

The second movie is called “B +”. It has Eric Roberts playing a super villain sorcerer who is the head of a crime syndicate ran by various thugs played by the Baldwin family. The sorcerer can only be defeated by the brothers of destiny. The brothers are actually long lost brothers played by Jean Claude Van Dam and Steven Seagal. Pretty straight forward right? Here is the twist, two other brothers think they are the brothers of destiny and so does everyone else. These brothers are played by Pauly Shore and Rob Schneider. It isn’t that you would want to watch this move, it is you can’t help but watch this movie.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


I think people take music too seriously. Music is a wonderful thing it can inspire, change moods, give insights into human nature, and all sort of other stuff. People take all these wonderful things and start making evaluative judgments about the music. I really don’t have a problem with that as I do it more than the average bear. People (myself included) then take it to the next level, they make evaluative judgments about people based on the judgments they made about the music. I think people need to stop taking music so seriously. So what, so and so likes really lame music, if it jingles their bell it’s their choice. Does a person liking lame music make them lame? No. Unless you like Creed, then you are lame.