Friday, March 13, 2009

Run for it Marty

It has been a while since my last blog entry. I found that blogging replaced my need to write in my journal. I think my lack of blogging somehow relates to me finally letting go of all things teenage. Back in the day I think I was an angry youth. No I’m not. In fact I find it hard to get angry at anything. In general I think I’m just happy. I realize how charmed a life I have lived, how lucky I have been, and how much better life will get for me.

Don’t get me wrong I still act like a child in many respects: I play video games to much, I still like Dungeons and Dragons, and my movie choices are questionable at best. I still hold on to the old music that sort of celebrates those days of my youth, but my emotional development has been pulling me milder and milder.

I wonder what the 18 year old me would say if he saw the 32 year old me. He would probably be upset at a lot of the things I let slide in my life. However, I think that young youth would be amazed and the grit of my life and how it is full of texture. It would be like eating oysters and coming across one especially filled with minerals. It would make you take a breath and wait a minute before eating the next. I’m not saying that my life is special; there have been too many men and women greater than me to assume so much. But my life is special to me and those who I have encountered.

I’m stepping into a new phase in my life. I am fully confident in who I am. It is like a grand adventure to begin. I can’t seem to shake the sense of optimism I have about my life. I tend to be pragmatic about making projections about the future, but the pull of something greater is in me. No matter what there will be a time in the future where history said a group of people, a generation did something that mattered, and I can with no reservation say that I played a direct part in it. I love the world, and wish it peace.

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